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The Candidate who kicked the hornet’s nest

Ken Livingstone’s ability to get major political issues aired and debated was demonstrated again yesterday with his speech on housing, which focused mainly on the private rented sector.  He raised 2 key proposals which have got extensive coverage, for example here and here and here.
First, that he will launch a campaign for a London Living Rent.  Possibly mischievously this has been interpreted as calling for a rent cap or rent control, but it is a different concept.  It is about launching a campaign to raise the issue of excessively high and unaffordable rents, to undertake research into what is genuinely affordable compared to incomes, to set a benchmark against which real rents can be compared, and to develop ideas for future regulation.  He argued that no one should pay more than a third of their income in rent (the traditional measure of affordability used extensively in the past is 35%, and there is more debate to be had about the precise level), and that rents had risen by 12% in the capital last year with no benefits for tenants in terms of improvements in the quality of the housing provided.
LLR obviously has parallels with the London Living Wage, which started as a campaign arguing that the minimum wage was unacceptably low given the costs of living in London, then gained traction when it was endorsed by Ken as Mayor and others, then developed into a reference wage now used by many employers.  In that case, no legislation was needed, no mayoral powers were needed, but the campaigning skills of London Citizens, the mayor and others made a huge difference to the living standards of many people on low incomes.
Ken made the point that rent control has served some cities well, and cited New York.  Research published last month by LSE showed that the countries with the most successful private rented sectors, like Germany, embrace both a measure of rent control and a stronger degree of security of tenure, which give confidence to both landlords and tenants.  In London, excessively high rents fuel inflation, firms have to pay more to attract staff and the high cost of living remains a key barrier to London’s economic growth.
Of course Boris Johnson made asinine comments in reply.  He says the mayor has no powers in relation to this, but fails to recognise that Ken achieved huge amounts in housing in London between 2000-2008 despite having few housing powers – he made advances by showing leadership and by using his planning powers in innovative and dynamic ways.  Johnson achieves less despite the fact that he has stronger powers; regrettably they are not applied to serving the interests of Londoners.  He also, equally ignorantly, said that rent control would dry up the market, but the evidence from major cities elsewhere shows that this is far from the case.  The truth is that he is a laissez faire politician who believes in letting the market do its thing, whatever the cost to Londoners.
Ken’s second proposal was to establish a non-profit lettings agency.  Although working across the spectrum of private renting, the agency would be likely to focus on the housing benefit market. As landlords become more resistant to taking tenants on housing benefit because of their fears that they will fall into arrears following the cuts to local housing allowance, the aim of the agency would be to put ‘good tenants in touch with good landlords’ to help modernise and professionalise the sector, and to cut costs for both sides.  It would help develop smart regulation of the sector based on accreditation, licensing, enforcement of standards, and tenant deposit protection.
There is increasing anger at the role of agents in the housing market.  Some are members of regulatory associations and try to provide services against a decent code of practice.  Others are not, and encourage what Ken called ‘the churn and burn approach’.  Agents get paid more for finding new tenants and rents tend to rise fastest when there is a high turnover – decent landlords tend to reward decent tenants by not increasing rents as fast as they would for a new tenant.  The role of such agents therefore undermines the fair operation of the market, leads to unnecessary churn, and doesn’t even benefit landlords because they end up having to cope with void periods when no rental income is coming in.
Johnson again was against this.  Just as his government has made clear it is on the side of the bankers versus the people, he is on the side of the estate agents versus the tenants.  He has nothing to offer private tenants, and the fact that Ken has made the running on housing just as he has made the running on fares is a good sign that Johnson might be on his bike come May.
Ken has played a huge part in politics for a long time because he is willing to kick the hornet’s nest and provoke a real debate about the big issues that face ordinary people.  The housing hornet’s nest has been waiting to be kicked for a very long time.

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Direct pension funding of social housing

Last week we carried a piece by Graham Martin called Funding affordable rented homes – are Insurance Companies the answer?  about the interest being shown by Insurance Companies in getting into the affordable housing market, and the innovative ways of structuring loans that might make investment a realistic proposition.  Here Peter McCormack, the Chief Executive of Derwent Living, explains how they blazed this trail. 
Derwent Living, a registered housing provider based in Derby, was the first organisation to get direct pension funding of social housing. In September 2011, Aviva’s own staff pension fund invested £45m to enable us to purchase 850 tenanted social rented homes from the Home Group. This was part of a larger portfolio of 1150 homes which we bought.
The funding mechanism is based on a sale and leaseback over 50 years. Derwent pays an annual lease premium to Aviva and this rises at RPI each year. The starting cost of funds is 3.9% and if RPI averages 2.5% over the 50 years the cost of funds is circa 5%. The properties revert to Derwent as freehold at the end of the period. Tenants are fully secure as assured tenants of Derwent Living. Aviva is not interested in day to day management and only requires that the total size of the portfolio is maintained leaving us to substitute properties and manage assets as necessary. Aviva have launched a £1 billion fund.
At a time when conventional borrowing is expensive and comes with onerous conditions this is a valuable new source of funding. It does not require asset cover and for Derwent gives us a more balanced loan portfolio where we already have £300m of loans with conventional funding.
Derwent was able to make this breakthrough because of our longer term relationship with Norwich Union then Aviva where we used sale and leaseback for market rented housing and invested in a Jersey based Unit Trust run by Aviva to provide student accommodation. These successful enterprises gave Aviva the confidence to work with us on social housing.
We do plan to try and use more Aviva funding for new affordable housing. Unfortunately the HCA only awarded us funds for a 123 unit programme, however we will use our commercial profits of circa £2m a year to cross subsidise and provide a further 500 homes without public funding.
Derwent may be a model for the future where 40% of our turnover is ‘commercial’ enabling us to work without public money!
Peter McCormack


A reminder of the key problem

I was critical of Channel Four’s Great British Property Scandal for obscuring the real housing problem: supply of new homes.
The media, along with the government, the house building industry, local authorities, mortgage lenders all share some blame for this. However, it seems to me more and more that these institutions are the wrong targets.
The biggest barrier to new homes is the public – an awkward and uncomfortable fact for housing campaigners because it’s always easier to blame the government, the media and private companies.  
People don’t want new homes to be built anywhere near them. Here’s a quick reminder from a presentation by Ben Page from MORI:
83% of people think there are too few homes for local young people. Only 18% of people believe we need to build more homes (in this case in Essex).
Unless we can convince enough of our fellow citizens that we should build more homes for those who need them and that in doing so we benefit everyone, there will not be the significant change we need.
And at the moment no policy seminars, round-tables, lobbying meetings, think-tank pamphlets show signs of recognising or achieving this.
Could there be a different way forward?
Could the various housing bodies re-orientate their campaigning away from government and policy towards changing minds in communities where new homes could be built? Could the housing charities employ community organisers to run local campaigns and in the process find out what type of development and on what terms people will accept? Could housing associations join them – and perhaps rather than spending quite so much trying to influence political parties, try to influence local communities where they want to build homes?
It would be great to see in the next housing pamphlet produced by a think tank a serious piece of research about how to overcome public opinion against new homes.
The Labour Party too has an important role in doing this.
I read recently that in rural Essex in 1946 the Labour Party conducted a successful campaign among local farmers, labourers and aristocratic landowners convincing them of the advantages of thousands of new homes in a brand new town. Without any legal challenge, a Development Corporation compulsorily purchased 2,588 hectares of Essex countryside and Harlow now houses 80,000 people*.
It can’t be impossible.  
*Though it could still do with a good few extra homes to house them all well.

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Is Britain becoming the Daily Mail society?

It was striking to watch Question Time last night and see how the debate about unemployment turned round when one of the participants mentioned that Job Seekers Allowance is £67.50 per week.  Constance Briscoe, a rather unpleasant right wing judge, who had been making extraordinary generalisations about subsidising those who don’t want to work and the ‘something for nothing attitude’, was close to being silenced by this one little fact.  Her well-known book, Ugly, tells her story of a hard childhood, but seems to me to also be an accurate description of her opinions.
Harsher attitudes towards the poor and unemployed were a theme of the week, and seem to be growing in strength according to the latest British Social Attitudes Survey.  Views such as the poor are lazy, benefits are too high, child poverty is the fault of the parents, seem to be on the rise.  It showed that 54% of the public believe jobless benefits are too high and thereby discourage the unemployed from finding work, up from 35 per cent in 1983, the first year of the survey (coincidentally just after a recession and with Tories in power).
I suspect the outcome would be different if for every appearance in the media by a Constance Briscoe there was a Mehdi Hassan (of the New Statesman) who put up a stout defence of the poor on the programme.  But the constant drip feed of Mail/Telegraph/Sun etc stories about benefit scroungers and the dependency culture, duly repeated on TV by leading broadcasters, means that the conventional wisdom is that it must be true.
The Social Attitudes Survey asked some questions about housing, but there were only one or two surprises.  Opposition to new homes ‘in your local area’ is greatest where the shortages are most severe, rising to over 50% in the south and outer London.  But, interestingly, only 20% maintain that no new housing is needed in their area.
Whilst the preference for home ownership (if affordable) remains as high as ever, when asked about the tenure of the homes that should be built, the results are unexpected:
Tenure of new homes needed                                                                        %
No new homes needed                                                                                  20
Homes to buy                                                                                                  27
Homes to rent from private landlords                                                         8
Homes to rent from local authorities or housing associations             39
Homes to part-own and part-rent                                                              25
So, despite all the propaganda against social housing, the public are in a surprising place, recognising the need for social rented housing above other options.
The tenure the Government is trying to destroy, social renting, is wanted most by the public.  And the fastest growing sector, private renting, is the least loved.  That’s food for thought for Jack Dromey as he gets to grips with Labour’s housing brief.

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Funding affordable rented homes – are Insurance Companies the answer?

Labour needs to develop alternative ways of funding new affordable homes that make available public funding stretch as far as possible.  The Party has long supported greater investment in rented homes by large institutional investors in principle, but delivering real schemes has proved problematic in practice.  Now Insurance Companies are showing interest in getting into this market and innovative ways of structuring loans may make it a realistic proposition. 
Here, Red Brick guest contributor Graham Martin, a member of the Labour Housing Group Executive, describes how such schemes might work.  
The credit crunch and reduced government grants are putting pressure on the finances of the country’s housing associations. Housing associations finance most of their new homes through a mixture of government grant and borrowing. Over time the rents paid by tenants are used to repay the loans used to build their home.
Since the credit crunch it has become a lot harder and more expensive to borrow money from banks and building societies. The money is more expensive, comes with stricter “covenants” or rules, and many lenders will not lend for the full 25 or 30 years housing associations plan for to pay off their debt. Additionally the amount Government pays in grant has fallen from a typical £80,000 per property (England, programme skewed to London) to just under £20,000 per property. Like home owners, housing associations struggle to get mortgages over around 60% of the value of their homes, so if grant rates are cut there is not only more borrowed money for tenants’ rents to have to pay off, but the housing associations need to mortgage rather more than one home to fund the cost of building a single property.
Over the past year or so some of Britain’s Insurance Companies have been looking at funding (or “investing in”) rented property. Some are looking at social housing (housing association properties, and possibly council housing), others at funding larger scale residential property companies (private or publicly owned commercial companies or REITS – Real Estate Investment Trusts).
The attraction of social housing is that the borrowers (housing associations) are well regulated, and have a 100% record of repaying all monies borrowed over the past 50 years. Additionally rents increase annually in line with (or above) inflation, and housing associations currently pay much more in interest to the banks than Insurance Companies can get from investing in Government Bonds. (Many associations have credit ratings much better than the big banks, and better than many Countries).
An “ideal” lending product for a UK life insurance company is one whose repayment increases annually, in line with inflation, to match the expected lifetime of the pensioner(s) whose pensions are being paid by the Insurance Company.
By favourable coincidence it is possible for the Insurance Companies to offer funding to housing associations (and potentially councils) which start much lower than a conventional bank loan, increase each year but only to take the same proportion of rent collected, and after an agreed period the funding is redeemed with the final annual payment.
This looks to have the potential to be a real “win win” situation –  Insurance Companies will get a higher return on their investments, allowing pensioners to be paid a higher “annuity” on their pension savings when they retire (or working people to pay less into their pension fund for the same level of funding).
And housing associations (and hopefully in future Councils) will be able to borrow money for social housing on much more “friendly” terms than from the banks. Some simple modelling carried out by the writer indicates that social landlords may be able to build up to half as many homes again (or even more) for any given amount of grant, compared to what is possible with bank borrowing in the present climate.
If this is such a good deal, why is it only now starting to happen? In fact there has been a very small amount of activity for the past 20 or so years, but on terms not attractive to housing associations, and in amounts not attractive to insurance companies. Recently three things changed. Firstly Insurers have had to start looking much harder for good, safe, investments. Secondly Insurers appear to have had a minimum investment size of around £100m before they would consider looking at new ideas. This is too large an amount for most housing associations. Recently Insurers are offering finance for amounts of around £50 million (and perhaps much less) which makes their offer much more attractive. Finally there have been some regulatory changes (comprehensible only to those who understand such terms as BASEL III and SOLVENCY 2) which make it easier, in terms of their regulation, for Insurers to lend to social housing.
So far two Companies (AVIVA and MGN) are marketing Insurance funding to social landlords. AVIVA already has its first funding agreement in place, and MGN publicised the launch of a £200m fund on 4 December. At least six other Insurance Companies are investing in Residential Property companies, and may in time move to fund social housing.
Are Insurance Companies the answer to funding social housing? Time will tell. However banks are struggling to lend, and, for housing associations which are not able (or willing) to enter the Bond Market and issue their own bonds, Insurance Funding may be the best offer in town.
Graham Martin


Channel Four Misses the Mark

I watched the two programmes on the Great British Property Scandal last night.
Jon Snow was gunning again for the Landlords from Hell – and rightly so. I hope he comes back to how unbelievably weak the government’s housing strategy is on the private rented sector.

 The Government is committed to supporting growth and innovation by avoiding unnecessary regulatory burdens on landlords. But we are also looking at measures to deal with rogue landlords and encouraging local authorities to make full use of the robust powers they already have to tackle dangerous and poorly maintained homes.

 Shapps as usual shifted 100% of the blame onto councils.
The second programme I found more problematic. George Clarke explored the scandal of empty homes with passion and anger. More empty homes should be brought into use if they can be – I agree.
But the empty homes debate obscures the real one – the need for more new homes. This is a fox that Shelter has tried to shoot before by showing that bringing empty homes back into use can only be a very small part of solving the crisis we have.
In his written piece in the Telegraph, he’s highly equivocal about the need for new homes. “I’m not against new development at all” he says and even “ I don’t have a problem with building on certain areas of green belt”, but as long as “there is a massive demand and the local area are quite happy for them to be built.”
What constitutes massive demand? How many more people living in the conditions Jon Snow highlighted before we build more homes? And even then, people who are well housed get a veto over whether they are built or not.
He argues for the densification of our cities, transforming their character to that of Hong Kong or New York – but will the people of British cities support that anymore than those in rural or suburban areas whose veto on new development he wants to strengthen? He’d also have to bulldoze a hell of a lot of those terrace houses he values so much to turn London, Birmingham and Manchester into Hong Kong.
This to me sounds like architects’ folly. Many of Britain’s current tower blocks and failed estates were the result of architectural ideology* being imposed on people regardless of their preferences.
We need to take seriously where people want to live. That may not be in Hong Kong-style skyscapers nor in small Victorian terraces in parts of Britain where there are few jobs or opportunities. Then we need to build more of those homes.
We don’t need another property programme, even one shot through with moral outrage, that obscures rather than highlights the key problem.
* Une maison est une machine-à-habiter. (A house is a machine for living in)

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New Homes Bonus used to offset cuts

The New Homes Bonus is being used primarily to offset cuts in local authority grants, and not to help increase affordable housing supply.
That’s the conclusion to be reached from the latest piece of propaganda from the Department for Communities and Local Government, which reports (I think we are meant to be impressed) on the uses to which the first payments of the New Homes Bonus – £200m in April 2011 – have been put.
There have already been complaints that the distribution of the bonus is unfair and does not help deprived areas as much as it should.  As a report on progress, the latest document includes no statistics and it has no overall analysis.  However it claims that the Government wants to ‘encourage innovation’ and it includes a ‘ready reckoner’ which makes it clear that the Government does not expect the NHB to be used to boost housing investment but to offset and defray cuts in mainstream service grants.  The ready reckoner tells us

  • 800 new homes could ensure two Sure Start children’s centres remain open;
  • 180 new homes could pay for a day centre to care for the elderly to be kept open;
  • 100 new homes could cover the cost of two trained child social workers and two full time hospital nurses for one year;
  • 30 new homes could save your small public library from closure;
  • 15 new houses could pay for two cricket training nets to be installed.

The document mainly uses ‘case examples’ to show how the money has been used or is proposed to be used.  Examples include:

  • Elmbridge – includes ‘funding for other charitable groups … affected by the cuts in government funding’ and ‘funding for public libraries under threat of closure’,
  • Wychavon – 40% passed to parishes to spend on community facilities – for example, village hall improvements, flood protection, bus subsidies, play areas, allotments and green initiatives.
  • The Vale of White Horse District Council – ‘using the Bonus to introduce free car parking to the three market towns’
  • Bath and North East Somerset Council ‘used the Bonus to help tackle a £12m savings target and protect priority frontline services.’ Includes street cleaning, libraries, paying for foster care places.
  • Rugby Borough Council – NHB ‘has meant that front line services have been maintained and in some cases enhanced.’ Includes refuse collection and Leisure Centre.

Two councils show how the NHB could be used to further enhance housing and other investment:

  • Sheffield City Council – use NHB ‘to promote housing and economic regeneration and minimising the number of long term empty properties.’
  • Plymouth City Council – ring-fence NHB as part of the Plymouth Growth Fund which ‘aims to increase the city’s population by 50,000; create 42,000 new jobs; and deliver 30,000 new homes.’.

Although the Government has always said the money will be not be ringfenced, many people believe that a housing-related payment should be used for housing-related purposes.  Using most of the money to offset cuts in such a blatant way is an abuse of the scheme.  I wonder if Eric Pickles and Grant Shapps actually noticed that affordable housing starts fell by more than 90% in the first 6 months of this year compared to the previous year? 

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Why the Government has made this recession much worse than it needs to be

Guest blogger Graham Martin, a member of the Labour Housing Group Executive, looks at how Government inaction in housing since the election has cost the Treasury a fortune and made the recession worse.
Delays in setting up a housing programme to follow on from Labour’s – due to Government inaction and incompetence over the past 18 months – has cost the economy 200,000 jobs and 100,000 new homes, at a significant cost to the Exchequer, and a net increase in borrowing.
The two key statistics are:
1. The number of new Affordable Homes started on site in England in the six months to 30 September 2011 was just 454 (1), a fall of over 90% on the same period in the previous year.
2. The average Government subsidy required to build a home under the Governments new ‘Affordable Homes Programme’ is below £20,000 per property (2).
Despite the current hiatus between programmes, the Government still says it intends there to be a programme of around 370,000 new ‘Affordable Homes’ to be built and completed from around now to March 2015 (3)– made up of 170,000 in the Homes and Communities Agency ‘Affordable Homes’ programme, the release of 100,000 plots of Government land and the promise of 100,000 new homes from the recycling of right to buy receipts back as ‘Affordable Housing’.  Clearly the Government is able to make available the funding within the current Comprehensive Spending Review period.  So why the delay?  And what’s the cost and damage?
Government figures indicate that every new home built supports 2 additional jobs for a year. The cash benefit to the Government from 2 jobs (one new house) will be around:
From (4):

  • Reduced benefit payments – say a saving of £7,000 per person in reduction in State Benefits claimed
  • From tax and national insurance paid – say extra income of £5,000
  • From Corporation tax payable by developer and ‘trickle down’ suppliers, say £1,000 per property
  • From extra income spent by employees – assume 10% of extra disposable income collected in VAT – say £1,500.

Total headline benefits to Treasury would amount to around £21,500, compared to the estimated average subsidy of £20,000, equalling a surplus of £1,500 per property commissioned.
In practice most of these figures are probably an underestimate: I have tried to veer on the side of prudence.
There are also so other indirect but very significant savings, including:

  • The extra say £13,500 net extra spending power (after VAT) of the two extra employees (per extra property) will feed into extra income for local shops and businesses, and in turn generate extra earnings, employment and tax income
  • Building an extra 50,000 homes in the missed six months (or extra 100,000 homes in the probable missed year) will also generate substantial further savings not least through:
    • Saving in Housing Benefit reflecting difference in rents of ‘Affordable Homes’ and alternatives at full market rent in private sector
    • Marginal reduction in total Housing Benefit bill from extra 100,000 homes reducing upward rental pressure on private sector renting
    • Much larger savings where families moved from/avoid need for temporary (and very expensive!) homeless accommodation to an ’Affordable Home’,

If the Government had got ahead and put a programme in place earlier, the spending would have resulted in an immediate saving to Treasury in short term (so reducing borrowing) and a marginal longer term reduction in future benefit costs. I would welcome feedback on these calculations and the argument underlying them.
1 These are properties built by Housing Associations (and to a lesser extent Councils and Private Builders) either for below market renting or for Assisted Purchase (Affordable Home Ownership]. Source Homes and Communities Agency Press release and Website.
2 Figure derived by dividing total grant awarded by properties contracted for figures have been released in batches so no single source, but average clearly below £20,000 per property from batches sampled. A lot of individual examples exist of Housing Associations being able to build at well below the stated £20,000 subsidy per new home.
3 Approximate figure from totalling all the initiatives announced.
4 Benefit savings derived from benefit tables, income to treasury conservative estimate (I have found references to some work by Mark Hoban MP (now a Treasury Minister ) in 2007 using HoC Library data to calculate loss of tax at around £7,300pa per person, but figures not necessarily fully comparable. I am assuming average earnings of employment generated at £20,000 per person.

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Red Brick one of Guardian's 'blogs of the year'

Best of the web: a year in housing

The Guardian’s Housing Network has reviewed its first year of operation and has picked  their ‘blogs of the year’, including one from Red Brick.

Man's hand writing.
Photograph: Acestock/Alamy
On their own housing network blog, Hannah Fearn writes:
“To celebrate our first birthday, we pick our favourite news, views and analysis from the housing blogosphere this year. From the resurgence of right-to-buy and the media maelstrom over the housing strategy to campaigning over the impact of housing benefit reform, it’s been a turbulent year for the housing sector. There has been much for writers, bloggers and housing professionals to deliberate over during our first year as a professional network. To celebrate our first birthday, we select our favourite posts from around the web.”

10 October 2011: ‘Welfare reform – there is a choice’, David Orr for the National Housing Federation blog
This post could have come at any time during the last nine month debate over welfare and public spending cuts, but it proved poignant as welfare minister Lord Freud faced growing criticism over the impact of his reforms on the most marginalised communities.
“The problem is that the reality of the debt has become an excuse to make decisions which will have profoundly bad consequences for some of the poorest people in our society,” argued David Orr, chief executive of the National Housing Federation. “The very people the Government should be helping during these tough economic times: the disabled, foster carers and families – are exactly the people who will be hammered by these measures.”
His powerful conclusion? “Ministers will tell you there is no choice. That’s rubbish. There are always choices.”
29 July 2011: ‘From festival trash to housing stash’, The Social Issue
At a time of growing pressure on housing and support services and a pervasive mood of doom and gloom across the sector, how refreshing to hear a good news story. Saba Salman’s blog showcased a captivating example of the kind of innovative thinking that will see the housing sector not only survive but flourish despite a lack of public funding.
St Mary’s, a homeless hostel in Bangor, launched a scheme to redistribute tents, camping equipment and sleeping bags abandoned in Cardigan Bay after a music festival to hostels and drop-in centres across North Wales.
“The equipment by the housing association staff and hostel users includes some 79 pop up tents, 38 normal tents, 47 sleeping bags, 54 inflatable beds, 51 camping chairs, 45 roll mats including thermo rests, 17 pairs of wellies and eight new pillows,” Salman wrote.
We welcomed the chance to share a feel good example of the simple ways in which the housing sector can support itself, and its clients, during the coming months.
17 June 2011: ‘You can’t defeat stereotypes by repeating stereotypes’, Red Brick Blog
In June, housing veteran Steve Hilditch shared his disappointment at Labour leader Ed Miliband’s willingness to repeat the very sentiments about social tenants and their communities that can make the job of the housing sector so difficult.
“Ed makes the point that he wants to reward contribution and not punish people. But there is shortage and the people who get punished are those that won’t get a home as a result of a change in priorities – your grannie who needs sheltered housing, your cousin with a severe medical condition who can’t stay in a private bedsit in a shared house, your son or daughter who has had a breakdown and needs supported housing, your sister with 3 kids evicted from her home because she can’t keep up with the mortgage. None of them working and none of them able to volunteer. These are not tearjerkers, this is the real life business of allocating social housing.
“We fall into the hands of the forces of darkness every time we play the undeserving poor game, every time we add to the negativity around ‘welfare recipients’ without explaining who they are,” Hilditch explained.
22 November 2011: ‘The strange death of social housing’, Patrick Butler’s Cuts Blog
In an insightful post on the brave new world of social housing under the coalition government, the Guardian’s own Patrick Butler spelled out the perverse choice that the government – indeed, any government – now faces in funding homes for social rent:
“If it wants to build new properties for social tenants, it has just two options: to raise its own investment capital (by selling off a couple of its million-pound properties to bankers or city lawyers); or to apply for investment under the affordable housing programme.
“If it does the former, it knows it risks abandoning its social mission to help provide homes for low-paid young people in the areas in which it operates… if it does the latter, it knows that any homes it builds or acquires in its core north London areas will never be rented by the people it was set up to help.”
If a housing provider charges 80% of market rent under the Affordable Rent scheme, “what would be the point of its existence as a housing association?” Difficult questions that all our members now face, and no easy answer.
13 July 2011: ‘You know you’re an innovator when…’, Social Housing Comms
In tough times, how do you know when your organisation – and staff – is performing well? Kat Hughes, head of communications at Wolverhampton Homes and a prolific housing blogger, shared her top tips on how to recognise the innovators in your workplace.
You are an innovator, she claims, if:
* You have your best ideas in the shower * People describe you as tenacious – and you’re never sure if it’s a compliment * You love change * You bookmark web pages, favourite tweets or tear out pages of magazines obsessively * You talk a lot but you listen more *Your friends are all cleverer than you *You’re willing to take the hit if an idea doesn’t work out     *You never feel like you’ve reached the top
But our particular favourite has to be: “You know you’re an innovator if you wake up in the middle of the night and email or text yourself.”
This content is taken from Guardian Professional.  You can sign up as a member of the housing network and receive news, views and jobs direct to your inbox.
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One Billion people live in slums

One Billion people live in slums, and the number is growing each year.  Read about and support Homeless International’s End World Slums campaign.
Homeless International are part of the Big Give Charity Xmas Auction on ebay and are auctioning a set of 3 signed Ralph Steadman prints.  Bidding ends on 4 December.  You can pick up the bidding here.  You can find out more about Big Give through Twitter @BigGive or through their website.
Homeless International supports slum dwellers to improve their lives and find lasting solutions to urban poverty.  It is the only UK charity devoted to the challenge of housing and basic services in slums.
HI’s Vision is a world in which all people can exercise their right to land, basic services and shelter. Shelter is more than a house: it is a space for privacy, economic activity, social care and personal fulfilment.  HI helps communities transform slums by supporting them to work together to secure land, build homes, access safe water and sanitation, and negotiate with governments – ensuring that they have a voice that gets heard.
HI helps slum dwellers by supporting the development of local organisations in Arica and Asia, which have their roots in poor communities. These organisations often grow from small social movements into self-reliant organisations that are able provide shelter and basic services solutions that are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.
HI believes that sustainable solutions to homelessness can be created only if people have access to land, finance, information, organisation and technology – and if they have an opportunity to play a lead role in designing solutions that work for them.
HI was formed following the 1987 United Nations’ International Year of Shelter for the Homeless as a permanent UK based organisation with the specific remit of supporting community-led shelter and settlement initiatives in the developing world.
HI sends grants to partner organisations in Africa and Asia to develop and implement initiatives that tackle urban poverty. This work is funded by a range of donors including many housing organisations, the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID), Comic Relief, Big Lottery Fund and the European Commission.
You can join HI as an individual or as an organisation.  Find out more about the work of Homeless International here.