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Fast wins for more homes: how Labour can champion infill development
Kane Emerson, Head of Housing Research at YIMBY Alliance, makes the case for how encouraging infill development could unlock 30,000 additional homes per year built by SMEs in high-productivity areas with reduced environmental impact.
A King’s Speech with hope for housing
Labour Housing Group Vice-Chair Alison Inman writes on the King's Speech, the changes since the last time Labour was able to deliver a programme in government, and the hope ahead for housing.
The housing election that wasn’t
Red Brick editor Alex Toal asks why housing was so absent from the election campaign, and what housing campaigners can do to put it in the post-election agenda.
What could the next government do on housing in its first 100 days?
Rachael Williamson, Head of policy and external affairs at Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) lays out what the next government could do in its first 100 days to tackle the housing crisis.
Election 2024: 8 Prospective MPs who will tackle the housing crisis
As the general election approaches, a new generation of MPs appears on the horizon to take the mantle of solving the country’s greatest crises. Every new and returning Labour MP will bring a wealth of experience and specialisms to help in their area of interest, along with to represent their constituents more broadly. But we at Red Brick, …
A bold housing strategy means tackling more than building
Addressing the UK’s housing crisis means facing its drivers head-on – the decimation of council housing stock, a deregulated private rented sector, and financial and fiscal policies that have for decades incentivised the use of homes as financial assets.
“But what will Labour do differently?”
As the general election nears, Red Brick Editor Alex Toal outlines the dividing lines between Labour and Conservatives in housing policy, and how to answer that most important question from voters.
The promise of New Towns
Kane Emerson Head of Housing Research at the YIMBY Alliance, gives and overview of Angela Rayner's New Towns announcement at UKREiiF and the promise and challenges of New Towns.
Can a Labour government build more homes without exacerbating climate breakdown?
Former Labour MEP Paul Brannen makes the case that the increase of the use of timber in construction is an urgent pressure, in order to meet Labour's housing targets without exacerbating climate breakdown
Delivering 1.5m homes:  Why we need a diverse and competitive housebuilding industry
Dr Tom Archer, Senior Research Fellow at Sheffield Hallam University's Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, makes the case for policy change to encourage competition in housebuilding, and diverting developer dividends to fund affordable housebuilding.
What’s holding back estate regeneration? Personal reflections and hopes for joined-up policy
Ben Ridley-Johnson works in policy and projects towards the goal of ending street homelessness sustainably. His experience includes Research and Policy Officer at Colne Housing Society and Operations Manager for London & South East at Sanctuary Housing. In this piece he reflects on how the difficulties in estate regeneration have caused him to lose hope in the housing …
How we talk about homes matters
Knowing how to communicate effectively and having the right framing strategies at our fingertips can help us win support for new affordable and decent homes. In this article, Natalie Tate, Project Lead for Talking about Housing at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, presents the toolkit recommendations developed by FrameWorks UK with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Nationwide Foundation.
Labour’s London Assembly achievements and what winning a majority could mean
Sem Moema, London AM and Mayoral Advisor for Private Rented Sector and Affordability, looks back to Labour's achievements on the London Assembly and ahead to what a Labour majority could deliver.
From promises to delivery – making Labour’s housing goals a reality
At Labour Housing Group's 2024 AGM, Toby Lloyd, formerly Head of Policy at Shelter, and advisor to the May government on housing issues, spoke on how a future Labour Government might achieve its housing goals.
A Tenants’ Manifesto
For too long tenants’ voices have not been heard with devastating consequences, if Labour can win the next election, the chance may come to change this.
If Life is a Ladder, We are Letting 136,000 Young People Per Year Fall
Imagine the transition from childhood to adulthood as a ladder. At each point you reach out there are rungs of opportunity – housing, education, hobbies, employment, training, qualifications. Imagine there are people at the top and bottom of the ladder – parents, family, teachers, friends, tutors, mentors, youth workers – helping you navigate the rungs, keeping you on …
Tackling Temporary Accommodation: Labour Housing Group’s Recommendations
When we talk about homelessness, our thoughts often turn to people in doorways and tents, living on the streets of our towns and cities. Rough sleeping is the most extreme and dangerous form of homelessness and the increasing numbers experiencing it is easy to see. Shocking as this is, it is just the visible tip of the now …
Invest to save: essential for solving the temporary accommodation crisis, Labour Housing Group says
Why Labour Housing Group’s invest to save  approach is needed to resolve the temporary accommodation crisis A safe, stable, and decent home is a foundational building block for life. Home is our space away from the rest of the world where we can relax and feel secure.  However, in England, 140,000 children head into 2024 living not in …
Furniture Poverty and the role of furnished tenancies in social housing
Furniture poverty is too often hidden behind front doors. There are at least 6 million people in the UK living without essential furniture items and this could be a cooker, a fridge, or a child’s bed. As the Cost of Living crisis continues to devastate lives, this figure is rising every day. If people cannot afford food, how …
Planning for 1.5m homes: What are Labour’s Options for Reform?
Key to Labour’s policy offer is a pledge to build 1.5 million homes during the next parliament. Doing so would be transformative, lowering costs, creating tens of thousands of new jobs, and funding the creation of a new generation of affordable and social houses.  Increasing housebuilding is easier said than done. Despite a similar target of 300,000 homes …


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Labour Housing Group
Labour Housing Group2 days ago
"Central to this King’s Speech is a proposal to kickstart homebuilding by reforming the planning system, most notably shifting local input to an ‘how, not if’ basis in areas failing to build enough housing"

Alison Inman on the housing commitments in last week's King's Speech

Labour Housing Group
Labour Housing Group6 days ago
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