
'Furious commitment' to end homelessness and bad housing: essays in memory of Chris Holmes

A collection of essays in memory of the life and work of Chris Holmes has been published online and is accessible to all. The essays, including contributions from Hattie Llewellyn-Davies, Nick Raynsford, Ann Power, David Orr, Jeremy Swain, Nicola Bacon, Rachel O’Brien and myself, have been written especially for this memorial publication.
The essays reflect the theme of Chris’s “furious commitment” to end homelessness and bad housing.
It is appropriate that they are published this week due to the close association of Xmas and homelessness in so many people’s minds. Furious commitment is exactly what we all need in 2016 to reverse the upward march of the homelessness figures.
The link to the essays is

I hope you enjoy the essays in memory of such an inspiring person.
Happy New Year.
Steve Hilditch