
London mayor: the housing policies of David Lammy MP

This is the fourth in a series of six articles on the housing policies of each of the shortlisted mayoral candidates.
David Lammy on housing
As an early declared candidate for mayor, and to his credit, David Lammy, the MP for Tottenham, published a detailed 40 page report on his housing policies as long ago as August 2014. (The full report can be read here). The report describes the housing crisis in London, and the facts he reports will be familiar to readers of Red Brick: failure in housebuilding, escalation in house prices and rents, unaffordability, bad housing conditions in the private rented sector, and homelessness.
In his analysis of the issue, Lammy started with the economic case for housebuilding and the continuing costs to business of enduring housing shortages, and the threat they pose for the future. He highlighted the advantages that housebuilding could bring to the Treasury, writing that ‘making housing affordable is also the only fair and sustainable way of reducing the UK’s burgeoning housing benefit bill.’ But he does not see housing entirely as a matter of economics: ‘The quality and location of our homes dictate the quality of our lives, and we need more homes not just to meet demographic demand and economic need, but to improve the quality of life for millions of Londoners.’
So what were the key conclusions and recommendations of his report? He divided them into three sections.
First, on building the homes we need, he made a number of proposals relating to land. He called for a register to be created of all land, public and private, which could be suitable for housing. He called for a faster release of public sector land. He wanted to intensify development in some places, with higher densities and high rise housing in central London and near transport hubs, and he called for greater innovation to achieve higher densities in new terraced housing and low rise blocks. He also supported moves to encourage smaller developers, to improve council planning capacity, and to launch a ‘help to build’ scheme.
Controversially, Lammy clashed with CPRE when he called for a review of all green field land within London, for the release, perhaps with land swaps, of poor quality greenbelt land, and for stronger links between new housing development and transport infrastructure spending. He made the point about the green belt more colourfully in a tweet on May 22, when he said: ‘Greenbelt regulations allow older generations to protect their golf courses while young people can’t afford a decent home. Needs to change.’
Writing on Red Brick in September 2014, Lammy was strongly critical of Boris Johnson’s so-called ‘affordable rent programme:

‘We also need to correct the mistakes Boris Johnson has made on ‘affordable housing’. He moved the goalposts on affordable housing so that ‘affordable’ rents can now be charged at up to 80% of market value. As private rents soar, that mean these ‘affordable’ rents are now being set at thousands of pounds per month. The current debate around affordable housing is a farce – politicians have used the phrase ‘affordable’ but have not been honest enough to admit that it means nothing to most Londoners.’

Secondly, on meeting the affordability challenge, Lammy called for a new definition of affordability, linking rents to incomes and setting an upper limit on the proportion of income that ‘affordable housing’ can consume – which he has since defined as 50%. He wanted to set a minimum acceptable number of affordable homes to be provided in developments, and he also proposed a review of the Community Infrastructure Levy.
For councils, he wanted to lift the cap on prudential borrowing in the housing revenue account, to control the right to buy by reducing discounts, requiring replacement homes, and introducing new covenants on sales that would, for example, prohibit future private renting. He wanted councils to be able to raise extra funds for housebuilding by adding additional council tax bands and he wanted to incentivise councils to build by allowing them to keep part of any savings achieved in housing benefit as a result of building new council houses.
Thirdly, to keep rents down Lammy supported the introduction of a ‘rent stabilisation policy’ with ‘sensible rent controls’ including a cap on rent increases, linked to longer tenancies and strengthened security of tenure. He also wanted to introduce a London-wide register of landlords.
Lammy said it was ‘wilful ignorance’ to ignore the scale of the challenge:

‘There is no quick fix, no magic wand to be waved at a problem that has been left to worsen for decades, but there are substantial steps we can take to address the crisis. London is at a pivotal juncture. If we put in place effective long-term policies now, we can ensure that the London of 2030 will still be the greatest city in the world. Continue to practice wilful ignorance for the scale of our housing challenge, however, and 21st Century London will fail to deliver on its promise.’

If his report still represents the core of his housing policy, Lammy has added some points since its publication. He has proposed a London Value Tax on overseas investors who leave homes empty, which he claims could raise £650 million to invest in council housing. And earlier in June, he proposed to build 30,000 new social homes paid for through funds from the GLA group of organisations and a new London Housing Bond. His plans to issue up to £10 billion worth of bonds during his mayoralty also involved a new new organisation called Homes for London directly funding the building of new homes.
Like all the candidates, in spelling out his views Lammy does not say much about which ideas can be delivered within the mayor’s current powers and what would require new legislation or additional devolved powers. It will be a test both of the new mayor’s powers of persuasion and of the Conservative government’s genuine willingness to devolve power to a politician with whom they disagree. By throwing down the housing gauntlet early on, Lammy has encouraged a focus on housing policy which is to be welcomed.


Labour MP acts against unfit homes

If you ask someone in the street ‘should residential accommodation be fit for human habitation?’ the answer in all probability will be ‘of course’. The question has a certain logical consistency. If you decide something is ‘unfit for human habitation’ you would imagine that there are absolute rules to prevent a human from living in it, and that someone seeking to profit from such accommodation would be liable to damages at least.  If only life was so clear.
130 years ago, in 1885, Parliament in its wisdom first decided that residential accommodation that is rented out should be ‘fit for human habitation’ by passing the Housing of the Working Classes Act. Incorporated into subsequent pieces of legislation, the provision is now contained in the 1985 Landlord and Tenant Act (section 8).
The problem with this apparently progressive Victorian legislation was that it tied the definition to rent limits which, unsurprisingly, have come to mean nothing due to inflation. The present rent limits are £40 for a contract prior to 1957 and £80 for a contract since 1957 (in London; £26 and £52 respectively elsewhere). I suspect anyone finding a home for rent at even £80 would be overjoyed – and here we are talking per annum and not per week.
This weakness has been spotted before. In 1996 the Law Commission called for the rent caps to be removed, a proposal supported in principle by the Court of Appeal, which remarked on the unsatisfactory state of the law when tenants are “…wholly without remedy in the civil courts against their landlords, however grievously their health may have suffered because they are living in damp, unfit conditions…” (Issa v Hackney London Borough Council (1997) 29 H.L.R. 640).
There are of course other statutory provisions which impinge on housing standards, but, for various reasons, they are all insufficient for ensuring that properties are fit for human habitation. I am grateful to the excellent Housing Law Practitioners Association for the following explanation:

(a) The primary repairing obligation imposed on landlords is s.11, Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. This requires the structure and exterior of the property to be maintained, as well as any equipment for e.g. supply of heating or hot water. The difficulty with this is that it does not assist where a property is uninhabitable due to a design defect, so long as the structure is sound.
(b) The provisions of Part 1, Housing Act 2004 allow local authorities to serve notices on landlords which, if appropriate, can require remedial works to be carried out. This remedy is insufficient, however, since it is dependent on a properly resourced enforcement regime in each local authority area and, in any event, cannot be used where the local authority is itself the landlord.
(c) The possibility exists of a tenant bringing a private prosecution for a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The unreality of leaving a tenant to prosecute his landlord is obvious.

Today, Karen Buck, MP for Westminster North – an area with a long history of unfit housing going back to Rachman and beyond – introduced a private members’ Bill, The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill, which seeks to remedy the long term neglect of what should be a basic provision in housing law. The Bill’s core provision is to abolish the rent limits. Tenants would be able to claim redress for a breach of an implied term of the tenancy by suing for damages or getting an injunction, avoiding the current dependence on a local authority serving a notice. The procedure to be used by the tenant follows that already in use for repairing obligations.
The Bill modernises the definition of what constitutes unfitness by adding Category 1 hazards under the 2004 Housing Act to the list of factors. HLPA point out that this would ensure that, for example, Category 1 carbon monoxide poisoning would now be included. The Bill provides necessary protection for landlords where the cause of unfitness is due to the actions of the tenant or a natural disaster or phenomenon, and it makes clear that the landlord is not liable for property owned by the tenant.
As a specific but important clarification of the law, this appears to be a perfect topic for a private members’ Bill. And who could be opposed to it? We shall soon see.
Information for this piece from Karen Buck MP and the Housing Law Practitioners Association


London mayor: the housing policies of Sadiq Khan MP

London Labour Housing Group has organised a Housing Hustings on July 2 to enable Labour Party members and registered supporters to quiz the candidates for the Labour nomination on housing. It will be chaired by Dave Hill of the Guardian. Register for the Housing Hustings via Eventbrite.
This is the third in a series of pieces (in alphabetical order) on each of the Labour mayoral candidates’ housing policies as they have been announced so far.

Sadiq Khan on housing

Sadiq Khan, currently MP for Tooting, did not declare his candidacy for mayor of London until the General Election was over and done. He has therefore had to play catch-up with some other candidates who declared much earlier. His recent speeches and articles have devoted much of their content to housing, and he is backed by the only Labour politician to have actually run housing in the capital, Ken Livingstone.
Khan’s recent form on housing policy goes back to 2013 when he edited a series of essays on London for the Fabian Society, including writing the housing chapter. Along with other candidates, he puts housing at the top of his list of priorities, saying that a solution to the housing crisis is ‘the single biggest thing that Londoners need from their next Mayor’.
His pitch starts with London’s communities and the loss of social benefits that are following the shortage of new and affordable homes. He says:

‘It (the shortage) also raises a fundamental issue of what kind of city we want London to be. Do we want it to be the preserve of the wealthy alone, or do we want it to be an inclusive city where everyone has the potential to thrive? One of the things I love most about London is its a place where people from all walks of life live side by side. We notice when our neighbours are struggling and our communities are changing and it affects us all – not just those at the very top and the very bottom.’

Khan is adamant that there is no silver bullet: ‘Fixing the crisis will require us to roll up our sleeves every day, and get on with the hands-on work of bringing forward land, getting developments approved and then getting on with building them.
To do that he will set up a new London Homes Team at City Hall – not an external organisation, but an in-house dedicated housing development team who will be charged with sorting out the financing of new homes, dealing with the current mayor’s scandalous underspend. He will launch a London Home Bond to bring in private investment and fight for greater financial devolution to London and more freedom for boroughs to invest in more affordable homes.
Khan thinks that the tenure of the housing being built is important. He would reinstate the 50% target for genuinely affordable homes as a share of all new build, to tackle the ‘massive windfalls’ being enjoyed by landowners currently and ensure that planning powers are used to ensure that local tenants and first-time buyers are offered first chance on new homes.
Noting that the Tory Manifesto did not even mention private tenants, Khan’s policies have been most innovative in relation the private rented sector, going beyond the policy proposed by Labour in the election. In particular, he wants the government to give the mayor the power to freeze rents in the city. He also plans to establish a London-wide not-for-profit letting agency that would promote longer term, stable tenancies for responsible tenants and good landlords. Bad landlords would be ‘named and shamed’ and tougher action taken against offenders. He says: ‘As the Tories shrug their shoulders, I’m determined to show that we can do more to help Londoners who are renting privately.
He would introduce a new London Living Rent tenure, going back to Livingstone’s idea that new affordable housing should be divided between social rented homes and ‘intermediate’ homes aimed at people who cannot afford to buy but are essential to London’s economy. By offering rents linked to a third of average renters’ incomes, these tenants would be helped to save for a deposit to become buyers in the future.
In relation to the new government, he is committed to campaigning against the reduction in the benefit cap and selling off housing association homes, putting him at a distance from most of the Labour Leadership candidates. ‘Together’, he says, ‘these policies will exacerbate the crisis and rip London’s communities apart.’
Finally, it is worth noting that Khan has been a strong advocate of building Garden Cities outside London. In his Fabian essay, he argued that we must ‘look outside London’ and recalled the Atlee government’s achievements:

The last Labour government to inherit a housing crisis near the scale we face today was Clement Attlee’s. Within a year of taking office, the Labour government opened the first of eight new garden towns in the south east. These new towns provided wonderful environments for London’s workforce to live in, with quick and easy commuter links into the city. They eased the pressure on London’s housing stock and, crucially, were built far quicker than could have been possible within the city.
Everyone recognises that new cities must play a major role in London’s future, yet nothing is happening. If we win the general election (sic), we must urgently get on with the job. We will give new town development corporations the financial backing and additional powers they need to get on and build the next generation of new towns and garden cities.

It will be interesting to see if, as mayor, Sadiq Khan will be able to work effectively with the Tory government to get a new generation of Garden Cities off the ground.


The economic and fiscal case for social rented housing is unanswerable

SHOUT, the campaign for social rented homes, has stolen a march (together with the National Federation of ALMOs) by commissioning the global macroeconomic research company Capital Economics to undertake independent research into the fiscal and economic case for building 100,000 new social rented homes each year.
This was inevitably something of a risk. Could the case for a major programme of building social rented homes be made under rigorous scrutiny and analysis?
SHOUT’s core argument – that a major programme of new social rented homes offers not only the best housing solution for people on low incomes but would also be beneficial for the wider economy, reduce the requirement for housing benefit, increase work incentives, and be positive fiscally – needed to be tested in a robust way. The key question: should building 100,000 new social rented home a year not only be a flagship housing policy but also a central component of the Long Term Economic Plan?
The Capital Economics report, published today, is unequivocal. ‘The economic and fiscal case for building new social rent housing is unanswerable’.
shout report
If the trends over the last Parliament were to continue into the future – building almost no social rent, a modest amount of ‘affordable rent’ and becoming increasingly reliant on the private rented sector to house people on low incomes – ‘the overall bill for housing benefit is set to accelerate – worsening the government’s structural deficit now but also into the longer term’. The trends, say CE, are unsustainable, as the cost of housing benefit (UK) can be reasonably projected to increase from around £24 billion today to almost £200 billion a year by 2065-66, with households in the private rented sector accounting for 63% of the total, up from 37% today. Building 100,000 social rent homes would reduce public sector net debt as a share of gross domestic product – the holy grail of the Chancellor. A long time frame? Certainly, but this is the horizon for the Office for Budget Responsibility’s long-term fiscal projections. And the point of a Long Term Economic Plan is to make decisions that are, well, long term.

‘Investment in new social rent housing offers a solution that is fiscally sustainable and economically efficient’.

CE make the key point about social rent: it requires both investment, financed by private borrowing, from social landlords, underpinned by a level of upfront contribution from the state. Once built, the servicing of the debt, management and maintenance of the properties and other costs can be covered by rent. Once built, no further subsidy is required. Over an even longer time scale – as homes have to last for even longer that the debt – the homes make a return. ‘A social asset is created which will endure for decades, if not centuries’.
Not only does the equation work in terms of the fiscal trade-off between bricks and benefits, it also works as an economic stimulus. Each pound of investment is estimated to stimulate an extra £2.84 of economic output through the supply chain and the extra spending of employees. Each £1 would stimulate an additional 56p of new tax revenues for the exchequer.
It would also have other beneficial knock-on effects that are harder to estimate and have not been included in the fiscal arithmetic. They note savings that could be made due to improvements in health, well-being, education and energy efficiency. They note possible improvements in policy towards children, due to the security of having a stable home, and to older people, who will have the greater possibilities of living in a suitable home rather than expensive residential care.
CE model the effects of building up gradually to 100,000 social rent homes a year by 2020-21, to enable the commissioning agencies, the construction industry and the supply chain to adapt. So where is the down side? At the start of the programme, the welfare savings and new tax receipts will be less than the money needed in grant to fund the new homes – so initial additional public borrowing is required. CE estimate that this would peak in 2019-20 at no more than 0.13 per cent of GDP. The policy would be creating a net surplus to the public finances by 2034-35. Taking a long term approach to controlling the deficit would, say CE, be welcomed by financial markets.
The report can only be briefly summarised here. It has a wealth of detailed material and many sophisticated calculations to demonstrate the case. It can be pored over by other macro-economists and fiscal experts. But it will become the core text for all of us who care about housing and want a balanced housing policy that encourages both sustainable home ownership and high quality affordable renting. Housing policy is off the rails; it is totally ineffective whilst at the same time being hugely expensive. ‘No direction home’ as Bob Dylan would say.
There is a solution. I have waited 30 years for the case to be made as well as it is in this report. Just a little political bravery could put us on the genuine path to solving the housing crisis in a generation. It is a policy that could be adopted by any and all political parties because it works, fiscally, macro-economically, and in social policy terms.

Because, as Capital Economics say, the economic and fiscal case for building 100,000 new social rented homes a year is UNANSWERABLE.


  • The report can be downloaded in pdf form from the SHOUT website.
  • Debate about the report can be followed on Twitter using #BuildToSave
  • SHOUT can be followed @4socialhousing and via the Facebook page



London mayor: the housing policies of Dame Tessa Jowell

London Labour Housing Group has organised a Housing Hustings on July 2 to enable Labour Party members and registered supporters to quiz the candidates for the Labour nomination on housing. It will be chaired by Dave Hill of the Guardian. Register for the Housing Hustings via Eventbrite.

This is the second in a series of pieces (in alphabetical order) on each of the Labour mayoral candidates’ housing policies as they have been announced so far.
Tessa Jowell on Housing
Tessa Jowell put housing at the top of her list of priorities when she was interviewed by Andrew Marr last Sunday. Operating under her ‘One London’ banner, she says she will ‘tackle the housing crisis with Olympian effort’ and will demonstrate this priority by creating a new body called Homes for Londoners – a housing equivalent of Transport for London within the GLA – on day 1 of her mayoralty, building on a Ken Livingstone idea from the last mayoral election. She would chair HfL and appoint a Housing Commissioner to drive her policies forward.
Tessa points out that the last time London was building the homes it needed, in the 1970s, the GLC and the boroughs were contributing 23,000 a year. The council she was a senior member of even back then, Camden, provided many of them. She points to increasingly extreme housing needs in London – from overcrowding to damp to the lack of affordability – but is also clear that housing is essential to London’s economy, commenting that:

‘Unchecked, the homes crisis risks triggering an economic crisis, with talented staff being priced out of the capital. With 100,000 new Londoners joining our city every year this a dynamic crisis that intensifies with every day we let slip by. We cannot take our economic success for granted – without action on homes, London’s economy is at serious risk. A city which cannot retain its talented workers cannot retain its status as a great city.’

In getting homes built, she would start with the mayor’s own land, committing to building 2,000 affordable homes a year on that land – although it is not yet clear if she intends the mayor to be the direct builder, the commissioner, or the funder of these schemes. She would plan to work in partnership with Government, councils and the private sector to develop a long term plan for homes in the capital. And she makes a commitment to build homes across the tenures: ‘Using that partnership we need to create a step change in the numbers of all types of homes – social rent, genuinely affordable rent, rent-to-buy and home ownership’ with an emphasis on building communities and not just housing.
She identifies a number of urgent tasks for HfL: to mobilise all the resources of London to get building; to develop the skilled workforce needed to overcome shortages; to start a new generation of purpose built rented homes at reasonable rents; to chamion the rights of boroughs to intervene in the private rented sector; to sponsor a new ‘rent to buy’ programme; to use use planning powers to require affordable home ownership; and to take a tougher stance on empty homes.
‘The time for excuses’, she says, ’has long since gone. I will not allow Londoners to be denied access to homes because they happen to live in a borough not interested in growth, or live next to public land whose owner is too nervous to propose major new developments.’
Tessa has been extremely critical of the Government’s plans to extend the right to buy to housing association tenants. It is a policy that is ‘blind to what is happening in London’, forcing associations to sell homes at huge discounts and funding it by forcing councils to sell off the most valuable homes on the open market. Tessa believes that this runs the risk  that ‘the majority of the money raised from selling off council homes will be here in London’ but the benefit could end up going elsewhere – to areas where tenants are more able to buy. ‘Under the new plans’, she said, ‘instead of getting to grips with council waiting lists we would have to expend almost all of our energy, resources and land just to replace the homes that are being sold off.’
Like all the other candidates, she will have to undertake a detailed assessment of the powers already available to the mayor and the extra powers that she will have to campaign for – with a Government in power that is hostile to social housing, to borrowing, and to intervention. Over the next few weeks, it will be reasonable to anticiapte more detail on how some of Tessa’s Olympian ideals will be turned into practical policies. More will need on how the mayor’s existing planning powers can be used, how resources will be generated, how she would redress the balance between social rented and affordable rented, and how the mayor can mobilise a major effort to improve conditions in the private rented sector.


London mayor: The housing policies of Diane Abbott MP

London Labour Housing Group has organised a Housing Hustings on July 2 to enable Labour Party members and registered supporters to quiz the candidates for the Labour nomination on housing. It will be chaired by Dave Hill of the Guardian.
Register for the Housing Hustings via Eventbrite.

It is good news that all six candidates for the Labour nomination who reached the threshold of receiving five nominations have been included in the forthcoming ballot. All six have given prominence to their views on housing and we can anticipate a decent debate. Below is the first in a series of pieces (in alphabetical order) on each of the candidates’ housing policies as they have been announced so far.
Diane Abbott MP on Housing
As she risks following Tony Benn into the limited ranks of left-wing national treasures, Diane Abbott still has the ability to say stuff that others are more restrained in saying. It shows how old I am that Diane is sometimes now described as a veteran. However I remember her stint as a councillor for Harrow Road Ward in Westminster (1982-86) which happened even before Shirley Porter went gerrymandering with housing policy. Diane became MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington in 1987, breaking the mould as the first black woman MP. Like all black leaders in the 1980s she became a target for the right wing press and, it appears, she was even regarded by the intelligence services as a threat to the British state. Cuddling up to Michael Portillo on Andrew Neil’s sofa has softened her image somewhat and she now gets murmurs of empathetic approval rather than hisses when on programmes like Any Questions.
It is impossible to be an MP for a constituency like Hackney North and not have strong views on housing. Since she let it be known she was interested in becoming mayor, she has had plenty to say on the subject. Like all candidates, her policy statements are a mix of things that are within the mayor’s powers already and things that would need a major extension of powers, which may or may not be forthcoming in light of the new Tory Government’s supposed commitment to devolution.
She has strongly supported a return to policies which require developers to provide a share of affordable housing in developments, criticising Tory strides away from the policy which provided 3 in 5 of new affordable homes nationally in 2010. As mayor, she says, she would veto any planning application which did not match or exceed a quota of 40% affordable homes or make an equivalent contribution to a London Homes Fund. ‘Above all’, she says, ‘I would be a champion of building public housing’ and would campaign for councils to be able to borrow to build.
Diane has specifically called for priority to be given to building on London’s brownfield sites and continuing the protection given to the green belt. She argues that building on the greenbelt may be the ‘easy option’ for developers, but the homes would not be where families need them to be, would require much more expensive infrastructure, and would involve turning our backs on London’s long standing commitment to protect biodiversity.
In terms of the private rented sector, at the end of last year Diane aligned herself with Generation Rent’s position on rents, including a 50% landlord tax on those setting rents above a cap set at half the relevant local council tax band, although she later said that theirs was just one of many methods. She has called for boroughs to have the power to introduce rent controls, although it is unclear if they would have local discretion or whether all rents would be set on a formula (as proposed by Generation Rent). As mayor, she would chair a ‘Rent Board’ to implement and monitor whichever method of rent control is chosen. Writing recently, Diane commented with approval on the tightening of rent controls in Berlin, ’not a major Marxist conurbation’, saying that ‘Any major international city, without measures to stabilise rent, runs the risk of its rental market spiralling out of the ordinary person’s reach.’
Diane would also make the existing mayor’s London Rental Standard mandatory and work with boroughs to introduce city-wide landlord licensing, building on initiatives like Newham’s, to bring about a tough enforcement regime on housing standards. She supported Labour’s national plan to ban unfair lettings fees and to make longer tenancies the norm, but thought that they ‘did not go far enough’.
Diane supported the Mansion Tax ‘in principle’ because it was a redistributive proposal, but like other London MPs, criticised its implications for older Londoners who bought houses in once unfashionable parts of London that were then gentrified around them. She got into a spat with Scottish Labour Leader Jim Murphy for saying that the tax would fund additional nurses in Scotland, money that she said would be ‘expropriated from London’.  More broadly she has supported proposals, for example from the London Finance Commission, that London should keep a larger share of its property taxes.
As the campaign intensifies, like all of the candidates, Diane will get more opportunities to expand on these policies and to explain how they might come to be implemented.


Housing will dominate the London Labour mayoral selection race

In my view the London Mayoral selection race is generating a higher quality and more interesting debate than the national debate about why Labour lost and the future leadership. As national candidates take their turn to fall into every Tory media trap – apologise for this, repudiate that, disown the other, slag off Miliband – the Londoners have launched a number of fascinating policy debates, often accompanied by detailed papers or speeches.
London Labour Housing Group is planning to hold a Housing Hustings to give all the candidates the opportunity to set out their stalls and answer questions on London’s housing crisis from interested Party members and supporters. Details will be published soon, but if you are interested in attending, please just drop me a line at [email protected] or watch this space.
Over the next few weeks – and with apologies to readers outside London – Red Brick will look in some detail at the positions of each of the candidates. And our pages are open to any of the candidates who would like to contribute in their own words, as some have done in the past.
At the time of writing, it looks like Diane Abbott, Tessa Jowell, Sadiq Khan, David Lammy, Gareth Thomas and Christian Wolmar will achieve sufficient nominations to make the shortlist, with Jowell and Khan running ahead of the others in numbers. Together they are capable of making sure that this is a policy-led contest. And putting housing at the heart of the debate.
This looks likely to be something of a Twitter contest – and the candidates can all be followed:

  • @wolmarforlondon
  • @GarethThomasMP
  • @DavidLammy
  • @SadiqKhan
  • @TessaJowell
  • @HackneyAbbott

Talking aspiration

The most over-used and least defined word of the moment is ‘aspiration’. Some Labour leadership candidates use it in almost every sentence. Not understanding it cost Labour the election says Alan Johnson and many others, including Alan Milburn, who must by now have met every one of his monetary aspirations several times over.
Of course, the Tories use it a lot, it is part of their lexicon. They use the word in inverse proportion to the ability of people to achieve their desire for a better life. The flatter the wages, the more they claim to support aspiration in work. The faster home ownership falls, the more they use it to describe their housing policies. The new Communities Minister, Greg Clark, said yesterday that their new right to buy for housing association tenants (RTB2) was driven by the Government’s desire to meet the ‘aspiration’ of 86% of the population to own their home – before admitting that there is a huge gap between their preference and the reality of housing affordability.
I come from an ‘aspirational’ working class background, brought up on a Newcastle council estate. My parents wanted their children to succeed and do better than they had. For my Dad, that would have meant a real apprenticeship and a trade. For my Mum, it meant staying on at school and trying for College. She got her way, at the considerable cost of me not bringing in a wage, and I got into University. My fees were paid by the council, and I got a grant, enough to live on. It led to a decent career, good pay, and home ownership. So I think I understand aspiration and social mobility, how it works, and the kind of Government policies needed to make it happen. But for my parents the top priority in their list of aspirations was the advancement of their children. Becoming home owners was a secondary consideration.
By the time I was in my 50s I was a board member at Notting Hill Housing Trust and the word ‘aspiration’ was used almost as often as the dreaded phrase the ‘housing ladder’. Whenever I heard either of these, it would be followed by a proposal to reduce the amount of social rented housing in the development programme and to increase the amount of shared ownership. Shared ownership was evidently ‘aspirational’ and social rent was for people who were part of the ‘dependency culture’ (or ‘chavs’ as they were called once). It seemed to me to be a perversion of the idea of aspiration to link it to one of many possible ambitions and a single tenure. People’s aspirations are their own affair, not restricted to the definition imposed by Iain Duncan Smith or housing association bosses. It is a complex concept and it should not be reduced to the simplistic idea that people only want to be richer or own a specific asset.
If you are one of the millions who are homeless or overcrowded or living with parents or living in a hugely expensive but crap private flat, you may well aspire to a decent, genuinely affordable, secure social rented home where you can begin to build a better life for yourself and your family. The first rung on the housing ladder is somewhere you can genuinely call home, a place you can afford where you cannot be turfed out on someone else’s whim. You might see it as your home for ever, the foundation for everything else you want to do, the bricks and mortar blanket that keeps your children safe and warm and allows them to settle in one school. It might lead to you getting a job or a better job or a training place or you might have a mission to improve your community and not just your personal finances.
Whenever I have worked on delivering social rented homes, I have always felt that I was also delivering on aspiration. I should make it clear, because annoyingly I always have to make it clear, that supporting a much bigger supply of social rented housing does not mean that I am against home ownership or shared ownership. It means I believe in a rounded balanced housing policy which aims to meet the needs and desires of everyone. I am against policies which assist better off people at the expense of poorer people – like subsidising home ownership whilst removing subsidy from social housing, or denying people access to council housing so homes can be sold to pay for RTB2.
In housing policy terms, when I was helping write the draft London Housing Strategy, this involved finding the right balance – ultimately a political judgement but based on huge amounts of evidence about affordability – between market and sub-market housing, and (within sub-market housing) between social rented housing which would be allocated on the basis of need and intermediate housing which was aimed at people on bigger incomes who still couldn’t afford to buy outright. Ken Livingstone instinctively understood this need for balance.
To the complete contrary, Tories, and in particular Iain Duncan Smith, think that social housing tenancies ‘stifle aspiration’. Back in the day, his Centre for Social Justice working group, chaired by the Chief Executive of Notting Hill Housing Group, started the argument for shorter social tenancies and selling off the most valuable social homes, perversely all in the name of aspiration and social mobility. Duncan Smith said that social housing was no longer the ‘tenure of choice for the aspirational working class’. In practice, his policies force more and more people into the very inferior option of private renting, at hugely greater cost to the state. I am absolutely certain that these policies meet the aspirations of no-one.
The logical extension of his thinking is to accelerate the sale of the housing association stock through RTB2. ‘Here, have £100,000 and become a Tory’ is their real slogan. They also hope to obscure the basic fact of the modern housing market: home ownership is declining and private renting is taking its place. The Tories do not want people to understand this.
If, like so many commentators, some Labour Party leadership candidates explain the election defeat as a failure to understand aspiration, it is time for them to turn the word into policy and to offer a bit of definition. I cannot for the life of me see the point made by one candidate that the Mansion Tax was anti-aspirational. The policy had its problems, especially in my bit of north-west London, but I simply can’t see that taxing the most valuable 0.5% of properties has anything to do with blocking aspiration. If that is the case, the USA, which has much heavier property taxes than us, must be the most anti-aspirational country in the world.
I suspect the reality is that ‘failing to understand aspiration’ ranks with ‘being anti-business’ and ‘spending too much’ as a totally unconvincing explanation of Labour’s defeat.


Labour must nail the lies about the deficit and debt

One of the first questions that all the Labour leadership contenders have been asked by journalists – it’s almost like it is co-ordinated – was “did Labour spend too much before the 2010 Election?
The journalists know it puts the candidates on the spot because it was an audience question (probably from a planted Tory) during the Question Time session with Ed Miliband. It raised an incredulous titter, followed by denunciation in the media, when Ed answered “no”.
So far the candidates that have faced the question have looked or sounded flustered and uncertain and have dissembled. Yvette Cooper got lost in a long description of the banking crisis, which wasn’t the question. But Liz Kendall got it totally wrong. She said “yes”.
As on many things, Ed Miliband was absolutely right. But the blame game is being played and history is being rewritten. I expect it from the Mandelsons and Milburns of this world, but members of his shadow team should know the facts.
The truth has been the main casualty in the debate about Labour’s spending record. The Tories and the LibDems both supported Labour’s spending plans before the banking crash, and I don’t recall them resisting the investment of vast amounts of public money in saving the banks. Personally, I can say that if Gordon Brown hadn’t acted decisively and astonishingly bravely on the night that the Royal Bank of Scotland went down then I wouldn’t have been able to get any money out of the hole in the wall the next day. Those that have been most critical in 2015 of Labour’s spending had nothing whatsoever to say about it at the time, pre-crash or post-crash.
So ‘Labour profligacy’ became a major election issue, created by the Tories and fanned by the media. The public believed it to be true. But what are  the facts?
Monimbo99 has shown before on Red Brick that Total Managed Expenditure as a proportion of GDP was lower under Labour than under the Tories for the first seven years of the Blair/Brown era, and only rose above it by about one percentage point for four further years, until the banking crisis in 2008/09 when both government borrowing and government debt shot up as a proportion of GDP.
If we compare public spending (always as a percentage of GDP) across recent governments, the last Labour government turns out to be the least profligate, even compared with the Thatcher-Major governments (graph taken from Colin Talbot’s Whitehall Watch blog).

Public spending as percentage of GDP under different governments (1965-2015)

Monimbo99 concluded his prescient blog by saying: “The figures underline the point that Labour in power achieved much without historically high levels of spending, until hit by the (global) economic crisis.”
Although the most significant Tory scare story was about the imagined prospect of a Labour/SNP coalition, they also created and exploited an undercurrent of fear in the population about Labour’s spending plans in the future, based primarily on this distorted view of the past.
The argument about future spending plans was largely manufactured. After the election, Investment advisers Rathbones commented that “in recent weeks investors have been unfazed by the election and markets relatively becalmed.” Markets, they say, were so sanguine because, looking at the parties’ fiscal positions, “the difference in the fiscal position by 2020 would be negligible, especially within a global context.” Labour’s extra borrowing “would have been relatively immaterial at a macroeconomic level…… By the end of the next Parliament in 2020, this would mean only a 5% difference in public sector net debt to gross national income (GNI). The 77% under Labour (against 72% for the Tories) would still leave the UK with the second-lowest net debt to GDP in the G7 countries, well below the US and France. In spite of the rhetoric about austerity, there was little to choose between the two main parties, and investors reacted accordingly.”
Rathbones also remind readers that George Osborne “effectively abandoned austerity in 2011-12….. no doubt influenced by its electoral prospects.” And “we have some doubts about the Conservatives’ plans to revive austerity in 2017 and 2018.
The point of all this is: Labour was stuffed in the election by lies about its economic record in government, and by lies about its future intentions. In the debate about the party’s future direction, and in the pitches being made by the various candidates, it would be awful to just capitulate to these terrible falsehoods.


Nepal Earthquake appeals

 richard nepalThe beauty of Nepal, from Richard Crossley’s collection.

The twin earthquakes in Nepal have been devastating, with huge loss of life, infrastructure and homes. Nepal was already the 16th poorest country in the world.
Emergency aid from the UK has been provided with great generosity by the British public – £23m by 6 May – but the second earthquake has made the challenge even greater. You can read more about the UK aid effort here.
Below is information about 3 different ways of giving support to the Nepalese people: the general DEC appeal, a more targeted appeal through Reall (formerly Homelessness International), and very localised support for the village of Khiraule, for which our friend Richard Crossley fundraised before his death last year, having visited and walked in the country.
The Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) represents the big international charities that undertake emergency relief work and co-ordinates their fundraising. They receive financial donations but can also handle donations to help meet immediate requirements such as food tents blankets and medical equipment. Their donation website is here.
REALL (formerly Homeless International)
ReallFormerly known as Homeless International, Reall – or Real Equity for All – is a UK-based international development charity dedicated to alleviating bad housing conditions across the developing world. It was established in 1989 by the social housing community in the UK and has a focussed approach to tackling the problem of slums. It works through partner organisations in Africa and Asia which have their roots in poor communities, helping to build self-reliant and sustainable enterprises.
Reall’s partner agency in Nepal is called Lumanti. Reall’s appeal for Nepal can be found here. This is what they say about Lumanti’s work:

LUMANTI was established in 1993 and works with poor communities across Nepal to improve housing and basic services, establish community-based finance schemes and influence government policies around slum upgrading. Reall’s partnership with LUMANTI helps it to expand its work on the ground to benefit even more poor people and to influence national policies affecting slum dwellers and the urban poor. We are working closely with LUMANTI to help it find cost-effective, replicable and sustainable solutions to Nepal’s urban housing issues.

Donations to Reall for LUMANTI will directly support them in their work to rehabilitate and reconstruct homes and villages across the country. They are a permanent organisation and will be there after the international relief effort withdraws.

When the international spotlight has moved on from this tragic disaster, the people in Nepal will have very little in the way of support to rebuild the homes they have lost. Emergency relief provides much needed immediate support, however the money does not go towards the rehabilitation of a country so devastatingly hit. We build earthquake resistant houses and infrastructure, and our work with Lumanti will ensure long term support for the communities we work with. In the next two to three months, we will coordinate with Lumanti the work that emergency relief does not fund. We will be out in the field, assessing the damage and providing financial and organisational support to help rebuild people’s homes and lives.

As far as we can establish all the homes that have been built by Lumanti have been resistant to the earthquake. We want to be able to build more homes like this for the people that really need it.

KhirauleOur friend Richard Crossley fulfilled a lifelong ambition to trek through Nepal three years ago. He struck up a great friendship with Lhakpa Sherpa from the village of Khiraule, and fundraised for the village when he returned home. Lhakpa and his family were unhurt by the earthquake and he joined a New Zealand rescue team to take aid into remote areas. He has asked for help to repair and rebuild the houses in Khiraule as he is aware that the Government of Nepal is unable to assist.
If you would like to donate in Richard’s memory, you can send cheques to Lhakpa’s wife, Pat Steel, at Barbondale Cottage, Barbon, Via Carnforth, LA6 2LS. The donations at this point are non-charitable but they are trying to change the objectives of the Khiraule Education and Health Project through the Charity Commission to cover the rebuilding work. Once this has been achieved the money raised can be transferred and become charitable. At that point they will ask donors to sign a Gift Aid form, so please make sure you enclose your full name and address.
The Khiraule Education and Health Project’s website can be found here.
You can read more background on Nepal on the DFID website.
Photos taken from Reall and Khiraule websites, and from Richard Crossley’s collection.