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LONDON ELECTION NEWS ‘Fair Deal for London Housing’ campaign now on FB and Twitter!

London Labour Housing Group’s ‘Fair Deal for London Housing’ campaign is getting under way with the launch of a new Facebook Group and a new Twitter feed.
The Fair Deal for London Housing Facebook Group aims to connect people with an interest in progressive housing policies for London who are also interested in campaigning for change.
The Twitter feed @FairDealLdnHsg aims to provide a flow of information and ideas to support housing campaigns in London.
London Labour Housing Group strongly supports Ken Livingstone’s campaign to become Mayor and Labour’s candidates for the London Assembly.   LLHG has helped develop houisng policies for the campaign and welcomes Ken’s early announcements on planning for London housing, the campaign for a London Living Rent, and plans for a London-wide not-for-profit lettings agency.
More information on Ken’s policies and housing campaigning in London can be found as follows:
On the web:
Ken Livingstone’s website:
Labour Housing Group webpage:
Labour London spokesperson on housing Nicky Gavron:
Red Brick blog:
On Facebook
Ken Livingstone
Labour Housing Group!/pages/Labour-Housing-Group/247469867388
London LHG Fair Deal for London Housing!/groups/FairDealforLondonHousing/
On Twitter:
Ken Livingstone @ken4london
Labour Housing Group @LabourHousing
London Labour Housing Group @FairDealLdnHsg
Red Brick Twitterers: @SteveHilditch  @tonyclements1
Other Labour Housing Group Twitterers @RossSHouston @Scarletstand @JackDromeyMP